Monday 19 December 2011

Gone To A New Home - ADOPTED by Pavla

These 2 girls have finally left for their new home today.

Here's a pic of them in the carrier

Individual shots of them



And a last pic of the both of them

These 2 lovely girls have been adopted by Pavla on 20 Dec 2011.
Thank you for the many queries on these 2 girls. Will update again when I have new batches for adoption. Do check back.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Updates on the 3 little piggies - ALL ADOPTED!!

Here's an update of the 3 piggies - Lilac, Choco and Violet Boy.

 Choco girl has grown longer fur since a week ago. She's looking much rounder now.

So has this Lilac girl.

The best looker of the lot - Violet boy. He's grown so much furrier since a week ago too!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Pretty Lilac Boy - ADOPTED by Pris

Was contemplating for a while whether to put this pretty boy up for adoption as I initially wanted to add him to my ever-growing herd of piggies.

Just to share a few of his pics with you at 1 week old.

His right view

His left view

His fur have definitely grown longer now since a week ago. Will post updated pictures soon.
Lilac Boy has been adopted by Pris.

We're on Facebook!!

Dear all,

We have set up a page on Facebook.
Do give us a visit!

Some info about Guinea Pigs

The scientific of the common species is Cavia porcellus, with porcellus being Latin for "little pig".

How the animals came to be called "pigs" is not clear. They are built somewhat like pigs, with large heads relative to their bodies, stout necks, and rounded rumps with no tail of any consequence.

Some of the sounds they emit are very similar to those made by pigs, and they also spend a large amount of time eating.

Guinea pigs are social animals, and you should consider keeping a same sex pair so they have company. They are very vocal mammals and communicate their needs through different sounds. Some of the sounds are:
  • Wheek – A loud noise, also known as a whistle. An expression of general excitement, it may occur in response to the presence of its owner or to feeding. It is sometimes used to find other guinea pigs if they are running. If a guinea pig is lost, it may wheek for assistance.
  • Bubbling or purring – This sound is made when the guinea pig is enjoying itself, such as when being petted or held. They may also make this sound when grooming, crawling around to investigate a new place, or when given food. 
  • Rumbling – This sound is normally related to dominance within a group, though it can also come as a response being scared or angry. In these cases the rumble often sounds higher and the body vibrates shortly. While courting, a male usually purrs deeply, swaying and circling the female in a behavior called "rumblestrutting". A low rumble while walking away reluctantly shows passive resistance

  • Chutting and whining – These are sounds made in pursuit situations, by the pursuer and pursuee, respectively.
  • Chattering – This sound is made by rapidly gnashing the teeth, and is generally a sign of warning. Guinea pigs tend to raise their heads when making this sound. A more relaxed type of gnashing often means the guinea pig wants a treat that is somewhere nearby but out of reach.
  • Squealing or shrieking – A high-pitched sound of discontent, in response to pain or danger.

  • Chirping – This less-common sound, likened to bird song, seems to be related to stress, or when a baby guinea pig wants to be fed. Very rarely, the chirping will last for several minutes.
There are a few breeds of Guinea Pigs, namely:

- American Short-haired
- Abyssinian
- Peruvian
- Silkie
- Crested
- Teddy
- Texel
- Skinny or hairless
- Coronet

Those that we carry are the long-haired Abyssinian Guinea Pigs, also called Sheeba Mini Yaks.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Another batch of Guinea Pigs - SOLD

Our other Sheeba Mini Yak mummy CoCo, has also given birth to a litter of 3 babies on 5 Nov 2011.
Here are pictures of them at 10 days old.

Choco's left view.

Choco's right view.

Lilac's left view.

Lilac's right view.

This is a picture of Daddy and Mummy with their babies. Mummy Coco is the full brown one while Daddy Mickey is the lilac one. Their babies have turned out with a good mixture of both parents.

The picture of 1 more baby will be updated in a later post as I'm still considering whether to put him up for adoption or to add him to my brood.
The babies will be ready to go to new homes in December.

November Batch of Guinea Pigs - ALL ADOPTED!!

Our dear Cheesy mummy, a Sheeba Mini Yak, has given birth to 3 healthy babies on 11 Oct 2011.
Here are some of their pictures.

This is Brownie boy at 3 weeks old.

This is the left view of Junior, who looks like a combination of her Mummy and Daddy.

And her right view.

Last is Lightning. Characterized by his white streak of fur on his forehead.

This is his right view. His body is full black, only with a white streak on his forehead and on his chest.

Welcome to LittleFurryOnes!

Thank you for visiting our site.
We have ready stock of baby Guinea Pigs or Lop-eared Rabbits for sale from time to time.
So please check by often for updates.